
A Buyer’s Guide to Acrylic Bathroom Wall Panels

Oh, no. What is that look on your face? What? You wanted to have a good-looking bathroom but your budget and/or schedule can’t allow it? Let me see that design.

Grabs the laptop puts the glasses on and reads frowning.

Oh, I get it now. It seems to me that you stayed back in time! Well, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that yes… You won’t be able to create that bathroom with that material, having that budget and in that timeframe. The good news is that the bad news is actually good news. Yep, I am going to save you a lot of trouble with this one post.

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Let Me Introduce You to Acrylic Bathroom Wall Panels

acrylic shower wall panels

I don’t know when it was the last time you checked interior design innovations and trends, but we came a long way since old good tile, paint, and the boring old panels.

Kidding I know that Acrylic panels have been with us for a very long time, but we do want you to understand that you can have a neat-looking bathroom with the style of Rihanna, Ariana Grande, and Billy Elish —or Metallica, AC/DC, and Iron Maiden if you are more of a rock kind of pal, without breaking the bank

And that is possible because acrylic wall panels come in such a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes, that you won’t need to summon an interior design fairy.

And that’s not the only good thing about acrylic wall panels. They are cheaper than tile, easier to install, and more resistant. I mean, did you know that Acrylic sheets were used in World War II airplanes? They have to be THAT resistant.

Another not minor benefit is that since there is no grout, you’ll have no mold. And cleaning acrylic panels is extremely easy. Just a little soap and water, and you are done.

True, Acrylic does scratch more easily than glass, but we recommend you do not take showers or baths with knives, scissors, or any other pointy object. Acrylic or not, that is simply dangerous.

What is more, it’s so easy to install, that you can have your new bathroom in as long as 24 hours, once the panels arrived at your home.

Your Design With Acrylic Bathroom Wall Panels

“Ok, we get it. You really like your acrylic wall panels. But what about my precious interior design?”

I’m glad you asked! Hold my glass, please.

As mentioned before, Acrylic wall panels come in various finishes. So here we are going to introduce what you can find in the market.

Acrylic Bathroom Wall Panels in Bold colors

You might not want to have a giant skull printed on the wall above your tub —although it could be done—, but also don’t want to have your grandma’s tiles. What about adding a bit —or a whole wall— of color? Acrylic panels come in a wide variety of colors that will give your bathroom a lot of personality. Or, you know, just give it a spa-feel to relax at the end of the day.

Did you know that colors can have an impact on your mood? You might want to think about that and make a color choice according to what you want. I mean it won’t be the same if you normally take a morning bath to wake you up, then if you tend to do it at the end of the day when the only thing you want to do is to wash away all the stress from a hard workday.

We Actually Do Like a Tile-Look

acrylick wall panels with a tile finish

After all, there are some great designs using tile. But I get it, cleaning it and making sure that the grout joint doesn’t become the hot spot for mold and many other kinds of bacteria, is hard work, and time that you could spend doing something more productive —like watching Netflix.

So if you do dig tiles in your bathroom, but just aren’t into scrubbing, you could use an acrylic wall panel with a tile-like finish. Great looks, water-resistant, easy to clean, and grandma-approved.

Classy Marble

Bathroom with marble like acrylic wall panels

You know it looks good. It is classy, and it will make you feel like living in a mansion. But it also is expensive, requires high maintenance, and since it is a non-renewable resource, you might want to leave it right where it is, at its rightful home, mother nature.

But you can still have the looks of it!

Yes, you can make acrylic look like marble and install it in your bathroom walls. Who says you have to give up your good taste for noble causes?

Still, you are not sure of what you want, or prefer to look at it before you even buy?

Schedule a Home Demonstration

Give us a call at +1 (941) 307-3847 and schedule a free of charge visit from a member of our staff, who will go to your home to show some sample materials, and help you design your dream bathroom with our Build Your Bath™ software.

You will get a glimpse of what your bath could look like after the remodel is over.

Call us now!

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